How to Take Great Photos for your Ad!!

Taking great photos to put on your advert will improve the presentation of your advert and it is proven that adverts on our website that have photos on their profile, get a better response then those that don’t!  Here are some great tips to taking the perfect photos for your ad!

  • Take photos at subject eye level (I need a room) a clean powerful eye level angle creates a inviting and personal feeling.
  • Use a plain Background (I have a room) make sure the rooms you are taking pictures of are clean and don’t have clutter or mess, so the user can see clearly what you are advertising, busy backgrounds can be distracting.
  • Use Flash Outdoors, if you are taking a photo of yourself outside as it can brighten dark shadows and on cloudy days can make faces and areas stand out.
  • Move in Close (I have a room) for features you would like to highlight, take a closer impactful photo.
  • Focus, take time to focus properly when taking photo so they are not blurry.
  • Watch the Light, having good lighting makes for a great picture (I have a room) be sure that the rooms you are taking pictures are of are well lit, to create clarity.
  • Arrange your photos (I have a room) take a moment arrange furniture in your room so that the best features are highlighted.

We hope these tips help you take some great photos for your ad!

Good luck with your Search!

Discussion2 Comments

  1. Avatar
    Fred khounani

    Tried so hard to upload picture the system goes through loading and loading and is not going to my file. Are there problem I have several pictures what the app using one picture and repeating it I tried to change different picture what does not allowed me keep on showing the same picture I’m getting frustrated please help and advice

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