Top 5 Most Annoying Housemate Habits

A leading renters insurance website conducted a poll of tenants throughout the United States to gather the top 5 most annoying roommate habits. Does your roommate continually do things that get under your skin or downright drive you crazy? Most of us have a few pet peeves that our roommates have a habit of doing. Read our top 5 habits and add your roommate’s most annoying habits.

5.   Bathroom Behavior. This is one of the more disgusting habits on our list. Our readers voted lack of bathroom cleanliness as one of the most annoying habits. No one wants to come home to a dirty toilet, soap scum in the shower and a sink cluttered with hygiene products.

4.   Party Animal. Depending on the place you are at in your life, this can be the worst possible roommate habit. A roommate that is up all night partying with friends at your place can affect your life in severe ways. It is pretty difficult to perform at work or school if you haven’t slept the night before.

3.   Late on Bills. Financial security should be a top requirement when searching for a potential roommate. This is a huge pet peeve of most financially responsible people!

2.   Privacy Infringement. No one like a roommate who just barges into their room unannounced. This can affect many areas of your life such as your personal/love life and how comfortable you are in your own home.

1. Kitchen/Sink. The number one pet peeve of tenants throughout the United States is a dirty kitchen and dishes left in the sink! There is nothing worse than coming home from work or school to clean your roommate’s dirty dishes, cook your meal and then have to clean your own dishes.

We all have our annoying habits. If you have a habit listed here, you may want to think about how you are affecting your roommate’s life before you end up looking for a new place to live. Let us know about your roommate’s little quirks that get your blood boiling.

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    Had a roomate a few years ago who did not like to lock doors…..Rarely even liked to close them. Spoke to her about it many times and she was also condescending about it. Then one night I got up to go to the bathroom and checked the front door. It was wide open and she was no where in sight outside. So, I sat on the couch and just waited. She came back an hour later from the laundry. So, the next weekend, I packed up and moved, then she acted as though I was doing her wrong. Should not have to beg someone to lock the door while you are sleeping.

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    1. You bath or shower…. Rinse and clean the hair off as well as the soap scum.
    2. Shave or use the sink…wipe clean of hair and wipe water residue on counter, goes same when brushing. Teeth wipe mirror clean.
    3. Take shoes off at door and sweep the floors.
    4. Fridge etiquette… Don’t leave food to rot, don’t drink from the jugs. If it’s empty throw it out.
    5. Cooking? Dont leave stove top to sit and crust over. Rinse pots and pans immediately after use and they are easier to clean.
    6. Privacy? If you don’t know what it means look it up in the dictionary.
    7. Guests? Fine but don’t bring someone you wouldn’t trust with your own wallet…
    8. Sleeping? Be considerate especially if someone else is working the next day.
    9. Garbage should be thrown out right away. And trash taken out when its full not overflowing.
    10. Dishes aren’t done if they Are still sitting in the drying rack.
    11. Laundry should sit in the machines for hours or days.
    12. Leaving? Lock windows, doors, make sure unnecessary lights are off, be conscious of fire hazards.
    13. Toilet…wipe the seat, disinfect the bowl, and for god’s sake put the seat back down this isn’t a complicated action. Can’t aim properly pee sitting down. Lol
    14. Rent and bills, paid on time, don’t come home with alcohol and no rent money.
    15. Drinking behavior, if it’s a problem you need help and seek it out.
    16. Be honest and truthfull even if you know you screwed up.
    17. If you truly are sorry you won’t do it again. Just saying so doesn’t necessarily make it so, actions speak louder than words.
    18. Be friendly, polite and respectful.
    19. Discuss things over with your roommates don’t just show up with a cat…ect…
    20. Eat your own food and drink your own beverages.
    21. It’s not yours don’t touch, or for God’s sake ask first. And ask every time. Just cause the answer was yes last time doesn’t mean it will always be yes.
    22. Hygiene…very important no? Washup,and wash your clothes and bedsheets on a regular basis.
    23. Communicate with your roommates it will be a better atmosphere.
    24. Help out when someone is trying to do something nice around the house. At least offer to help.

    Follow these rules and you will be the best roommate ever.

    Patrice, Ottawa Ontario.

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    When you moved in they gave you your own shelve in the refregerator. You went grocery shopping, ate supper, went to work and came home. Now it is time to relax. You reach in the freg for your favorite drink its not there. Ok what is going on…it keeps happening to all your food and never gets replaced with the same thing. They always by cheaper. You say something and they say “well I replaced it” No you did not…You did not buy it you do not eat it.
    I buy my own refreg for my room they still come in and get what they want. What is the deal!!!!
    Do you agree…I don’t eat your food you don’t eat mine. what happens I wind up breaken the lease and leaven. I am tired of it.

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    You hit the nail on the head EasyRoommate. Not helping out with household chores in general is another annoying habit. It’s best to lay down ground rules (maybe even a roommate contract) prior to move-in. If that’s not the case a chore chart and an open line of communication could help. Nice article!

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