Just as you mastered the art of staying cool in summer by stripping your bedroom of all unnecessary clutter, winter’s back in full swing and it’s time build it back up again to get your bedroom ready for those chilly winter evenings.
The good news that comes with dark winter evenings is those cosy nights curled up in bed with a Netflix boxset, tea and fuzzy socks. The bad news is keeping the heating on 24/7 isn’t a realistic (or affordable) option. And without going all OAP with ‘leccy blankets and hot water bottles, there are plenty of small changes you can make to keep you snug and toasty. Here are 4 easy hacks you can do to get your bedroom ready for winter:
1. New season, new sheets
If there’s one thing to get right, it’s the bed. Take a look at your current bedding situation and ask yourself: have your sheets seen better days? Are your pillows so matted and clumped they may as well be a pair of sandbags? Is your duvet carrying its own weight in dust mites and other nasty stuff? It may be time to invest in a refresh and with some new bedding. Even if you don’t get anything new, take this opportunity to wash your bedding. Use the hottest water you can to get rid of all dirt and freshen them up using some fresh in scent boosters.

2. Cosify your bed
Before we start talking about lavish throws and fur pillows, the key to a scrumptiously cosy bed is in the foundations. Make sure your sheets and blankets are tight but soft and brush up on your hotel corners skills. Now you have a clean, well-made Ritz-worthy bed, it’s time to dress it up with a few extra throws and cushions. Layering your bed with different textures makes your bed look and feel warm, cosy and inviting.

3. Shine a light
November can be a hard month. As the nights draw in, we have to adapt to the cycle of leaving for work and then coming home having experienced very little natural light. And throw in the odd bone-chilling, frosty morning to the mix and you have the makings of a deeply dark month literally and mentally. But if an excursion to a balmy destination isn’t within reach, then reach for a candle. By flooding your room with flickers of light and fragrances far from the ordinary, these little scented luxuries are a great way of lightening up your evening and your spirits.

We love these invigorating scented candles by Scandi brand Skandinavisk that will help you bring the mystic qualities of the enchanting northern lights to your bedroom (no igloos required).

4. Chill out
The most effective way of winter-proofing your bedroom is by keeping the chill well and truly out. Just the smallest of draughts flood your room with cold air and if the gap is big enough, you’ll lose a lot of your heat out of it too. The number one offenders are gaps under doors and windows that don’t shut properly. A great way of finding draughts is by lighting a small tea light and running it along any doors and windows. When you see the flame flickering, that’s where the draught is. Covering them up doesn’t have to mean using large ugly strips of foam either, we love this collection of draught excluders and delightful little door stops at Not On The High Street. Who knew insulating could be so fun?

If you’re looking for a new room to cosy up in, start your search on Easyroommate. With over 10,000 rooms listed over the UK, you’re bound to find somewhere you can keep warm and toasty this winter.