Energy Saving Tips for Flatshares

Energy saving in your flatshare isn’t just a financially smart move, it’s environmentally responsible, too. Here are five ways to save energy in your flatshare.

1. Harness the Power of Apps


Flatsharing apps are now big business, but a simple energy-analytics app like Energy Saver will help you look more clearly at the energy you’re consuming and think twice about your usage. Whether you’re leaving the fridge door open too often or not flicking off the light switch when you leave the room, there are always small behaviours you can change when you know where your energy’s going.

 2. Sync up Your Wake up

wake up

Living with others means planning your morning routines so that you’re able to do what you need to do without having to wait too much and waste time. If you’re looking to save energy, however, try to sync up your wake up times, as this means you can put the heating on for less time, share kettle water and washing up water, and be on your way after a morning of reduced energy spending.

3. Love Your Bicycle


Does your flatshare include a driver? Leave the car at home and replace your petrol-consuming lifestyle with the clean, green lifestyle of the cyclist. Buy a bike off a second hand site like Gumtree if you don’t have hundreds of pounds to spend. You’ll make your money back almost instantly in the money you save from not paying for public transport, you’ll feel good because of the exercise, and you’ll save on the petrol bill, too.

 4. Live with Likeminded People


Whether you’re concerned about the environment or looking to save cash… or both, your energy-saving agenda is going to be more difficult to implement if you can’t bring your flatmates round to your point of view. Make sure the flatshare you’re going into is one where you’re all on the same team!

5. Energy-Saving Hacks


In need of nitty gritty tips to bring your energy consumption down? Try these:

  • Use the toaster to toast bread; not the oven. They’re more energy efficient.
  • Leave the oven door shut whilst baking, as opening it will lose 20% of the heat.
  • Microwaves are four times more energy-efficient than traditional ovens.
  • Use draft excluders. You’ll be surprised by how much less you need to turn on the heating.
  • Vacuum clean the condenser coil on your fridge or freezer and you’ll increase energy efficiency by 25%.

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